What made this Summit unique?

Highly multidisciplinary

Instead of only looking at what happens in a particular area, the event mainly focused on what can be learned from OTHER complementary disciplines and fields.

Process oriented

We did not only deal with detailed research findings, business development activities or practical implementation strategies, but with the FULL research & innovation PROCESS.

Purpose driven

We gathered people and organizations with similar end-goals in mind: learning how to create real-life IMPACT for people with the help of science & technology.

Take a look at the program

Download the program PDF here

Summit 22 Speakers

  • Rob Aughey
    Rob Aughey
    Sport scientist at Track and Professor of sport science at Victoria University
  • Carlos Balsalobre Fernández
    Carlos Balsalobre Fernández
    PhD, CSCS-D | Professor @UAM_Madrid | Creator @MyJumpLab | Performance consultant of pro athletes 💪🏻🔬📱 📥
  • Steve Barrett
    Steve Barrett
    Director of Sport Science and Research Innovation at PlayerMaker
  • Johsan Billingham
    Johsan Billingham
    Research Manager at FIFA
  • Silvia Blemker
    Silvia Blemker
    Professor Biomedical Engineering at University of Virginia
  • Jan Boone
    Jan Boone
    Professor Exercise Physiology and Sport Training at Ghent University
  • Leon Brudy
    Leon Brudy
    Business Development Manager - Garmin Health
  • Kevin Caen
    Kevin Caen
    Postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University, Department of Movement and Sports Sciences
  • Tanya Colonna
    Tanya Colonna
    CEO and Founder at Oro Muscles BV
  • Lynn Coorevits
    Lynn Coorevits
    Digital Health Innovation Manager at imec
  • Carsten Couchouron
    Carsten Couchouron
    Founder Sports Lab Copenhagen - Advisor to various Sports Tech startups
  • Peter Daels
    Peter Daels
    Managing Director at INNDUCE.me
  • Wim Derave
    Wim Derave
    Muscle physiology; sport nutrition; leader of the VICTORIS sport research valorization consortium at Ghent University
  • Rud Derie
    Rud Derie
    PhD student in running and footwear biomechanics at Ghent University
  • Victor Donker
    Victor Donker
    CEO @ Usono. Innovation Manager @ PSV.
  • Peter Düking
    Peter Düking
    Professor for Exercise & Training Science at Technical Uni of Braunschweig. Investigating the application of data to individualize training