Jeroen Stragier - Wearables & analytics in digital health, sport and physical activity
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Being a Senior researcher at Ghent University in the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Jeroen Stragier has worked on various aspects such as motivational affordances of Online Fitness Community features, the use of Wearables, Mobile apps and Exergames in promoting physical activity, and the potential of new Media and Persuasive technologies to induce Behavioral change towards healthier and more sustainable lifestyles.
In this episode, we discussed the pros and cons of academic research in this field in relation to technological advancements and commercialization in the industry and the potential for innovation in this area.
The following key topics are discussed:
- Academic research and its usefulness in technological advances
- How research can be commercialized
- Innovation in wearables, mobile apps, and exergaming
- How new technologies can promote & improve physical activity
- How behavior change insights can be used to boost healthier and more sustainable lives
As always: happy listening and looking forward to your feedback!
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