Call to participate in a research survey to Elucidate Influence of Wearables on Individualization of Training Procedures
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Due to individual variability in acute responses and chronic adaptations to exercise and training at various cellular and organ levels, it is essential to individualize aspects of exercise and training to elicit optimal adaptation. In this context, it is often claimed that Wearable Technologies support procedures to individualize training.
However, it is unknown if coaches use Wearable Technologies, what influences coaches usage behavior and if coaches alter decisions in the training procedure based on data obtained by Wearables. Shedding light on these aspects potentially holds several benefits for sports organizations (e.g. by allocating financial and personal ressources) and device manufacturers (e.g. by adressing perceived usage barriers).
A current research led by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter Düking is investigating the coaches perspective on wearable technologies and their influence on decision making to individualize training procedures. If you are a coach, please take part in this survey.
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