STRN Featured Organizations

We're thrilled to be working with the organizations presented below. Some are small, others are big. But what they all have in common is the passion to work on (and with) trustworthy, evidence-based technologies which could create a real-life impact in the world of sports and the broader society.

  • North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
    North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
    US nation's first public university, home of the STAR Heel Lab
  • Norwegian Sport Tech
    Norwegian Sport Tech
  • Ochy
  • Ohio University
    Ohio University
    Public research university in Athens, Ohio (USA)
  • Orange Sports Forum
    Orange Sports Forum
    Platform for internationally promoting companies, organisations, and institutes connected to Dutch sport
  • Oro Muscles
    Oro Muscles
  • Oro Muscles BV
    Oro Muscles BV
    Netherlands-based company developing wearable tech for the elite sport and health and fitness markets
  • ORYX Movement Solutions
    ORYX Movement Solutions
  • Output Sports
    Output Sports
    Interdisciplinary team merging Sports-Science, Engineering and Data-Science to develop a one-stop-tool for athlete testing
  • RBFA
    Royal Belgian Football Association, the official representative of Belgian football
  • Realtrack Systems
    Realtrack Systems
    Spanish Technology-Based Company whose main activity is focused on Sport Science and Physical Activity Monitoring
  • RunEASI
    Spin-off of KU Leuven, measuring impact of running and detecting how the body responds to it
  • Ryerson University
    Ryerson University
    Public research university located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • SciSports
    International sports analytics company providing actionable insights to improve football performance
  • Somnology, Inc.
  • Sport Product Testing
    Sport Product Testing
    Consulting service which is part of the Canadian Sport Institute Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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